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Search Results for “parameter”

By Phil Todd
Parabola Parametrization
Investigate the characteristics of the standard parametrization of a parabola.

Tags: parabola, conic-section, parameter

By Phil Todd
parabola envelope
We use a trick to let the trace "open up" as you drag a point. The trick is this:  an initial point is given parametric location s*t, create a tangent at this point and its envelope as s varies. Now hide the original point and create another point with parameter t, and make it draggable. Dragging the new point changes the value of t and we see a trace from 0 to t.  

Tags: parabola, envelope

By Phil Todd
Spline Approximation
Spline approximation to a quarter unit circle.  Can you find the best value for parameter a?

Tags: spline, circle

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