Euclid's Muse

your source for INTERACTIVE math apps

by Nick Halsey

Tridecagon Diagonals, Circles and Tangents

You'll want to start out with the heptagon and work your way up. This one's the same as all the others, just with a 13-sided regular polygon. Observe the tangencies to diagonals of circles centered at intersections of diagonals, when the circles are resized (by dragging). This is a smaller version that works well on most monitors (zoom in with two-finger touch). Bigger version here.
by Phil Todd

September Problem

The radii of the small circles add up to that of the large circle. Why?
Welcome to Saltire Software’s app repository: Euclid’s Muse. This site features hundreds of free math apps created by our users. Upload, share and discuss your favorite apps created with Geometry Expressions. Join today and add to the collection.


Updates to Euclid’s Muse

We are excited to announce some of the recent updates to Euclid’s Muse. The front page has been reorganized so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for (and it’s much nicer to look at). Join us on the new forums page and help build our community by posting your questions, comments and app creation […]

Announcing Mechanical Expressions!

We’ve just released a new program, Mechanical Expressions. It builds off of Geometry Expressions’ base, adding mechanics inputs and outputs. Its html5/Javascript app exports support dynamic simulations, so keep your eyes open for some popping up here on Euclid’s Muse. For more information about Mechanical Expressions, check out the website:

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