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Browse apps with Geometry Expressions Source Files ~~~ Browse Apps with TI-Nspire Versions
Circle of Curvature
Tchirnhausen's Cubic
Cycloid Clock
Symmetric Antisymmetric Parts
Circle Involute Gear Pair
Reflection of parallel rays
A triangle from medians
Spline Clock
Binary Test
pool construction
Watt's Linkage
Circle in a trapezoid
Epic Circle Trace
Pappus Chain
Body Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit)
Angle Bisector
Euclids Elements – Book 4 – Proposition 11
Parabola string art
Four Bar Linkage
Function Composition
Optimal Performance of Box Solar Cooker
The Difference of Two Circles Is A Line
Running For Miles
A Three Body Problem
Circle Envelope
Distributive Property
Safeway Sales App (Josh Moffat)
parabola envelope
Circles, Tangents, and Heptagon Diagonals
Lifeguard Problem
Circle Involute
Function composition challenge 3
Beat the Brachistochrone
Abacus Explained Properly
The Idea Behind Integrals
Inverted Trammel
The Tangent Function
Vertical Dilations
Gear pair
Square as a Sum
Cardioid Clock
Rotating Ellipses
The Spinning Dancer
Rotating Ellipses with Arcs
Hex Flower
Parabola Caustic
The Three Primary Types of Wind Turbine, Animated as if in Operation (small)
Caustic Clock
Proposition 3
Example: A Second Look at Euclid's Equilateral Triangle
area under curve
Ball Throw Animation
Investigating Integrals through Polygons
Area of a Parallelogram
Quadratic Zeros
Quartic Bezier Curve
Zipline Design
Area Under a 4 bar linkage
Pendulum Spring Mass
Hyperbola Polar Line
Euclids Elements – Book 1 – Proposition 47
reflected clocks
Euclid Book 6 Proposition 31
Caustic Cusps
Point Trilateration
Offcenter Cam*
Euclids Elements - Book 1 - Proposition 45
Vector Combinations and Span
Pirate Treasure
Tautochrone pendulum
Parabola Parametrization
Calc is FUN!
A Path round an elliptical pool
Scotch Yoke
Incircle Radius
Pool reflections
Cosine Rule
Relation of tangent slope to derivative
Miller_Applet 4
Quadratic Zeros II
Euclid Book 2 Proposition 11
Tridecagon Diagonals, Circles and Tangents (BIG)
Quad Clock
Taylor series
Piano moving 3
Vector Addition
Reflection in a circle
Inverted Trammel 2
Pedal Triangles
Euclids Elements - Book 4 - Proposition 15
Two Circle Trace
Ellipse Isotomic
4 Bar Linkage Kinematics
Parallels and Reflections
Not a spline
A door which opens both ways
Euclids Elements - Book 3 - Proposition 14
Morph curve depends on the parametrization of the circle
Four Bar Mechanism for Intermittent Drive
Train Problem
The Sine Function
Mechanical Location of the Fermat Toricelli Point
Parallelogram area
Function Product Challenge 3
Garfield's Proof
Example: Cosine Rule Assessment
Exterior Angles of a Triangle
Even and Odd Functions With a Tangent Twist
Derivative Test Concepts
Nicomeded Conchoid Apparatus
Pascal's Limacon
Inverse Function Slope Relation
Sinusoidal Tangent Mirrors
four bar coupler curve
Parabola Property
Euclid Book 1 Proposition 35
The Ocean
Minimum Inscribed Perimeter 2
Ball Throw Modeled with Mechanical Expressions
Caustic Formation
Ellipse Equations
Spin the Chrome Icon!
Circle Envelope (Hyperbola)
Parabola Tangent Circumcircle
Four Bar linkage with line
Horizontal Shift
Incircle Point of Contact
Coordinate Clock
Crank Slider
Serum Melatonin Concentration (pg/mL)
The point which minimizes weighted sum of distances to triangle's vertices
Oil Pipeline Problem
Approximation of a Parabola
watts up
Minimum Distance
Kaleidoscope clock
Circle Equation
Function composition challenge 4
Miller_Applet 6
September Problem
Hyperbola Generalization
Nicomedes Conchoid Clock
Pythagoras generalization
Falling faster than gravity
Jeep Wheeling Trip
Angle Bisector
Cyclic Quadrilateral Theorem
A Ladder Problem
Minimum Inscribed Perimeter
Four Bar Linkage
Euclid Book 1 Proposition 37
Polar Line
Drive in Movie Problem
Ellipse Reflection Property
Miller_Applet 2
Pascal's Limacon
Ellipse Reflection Property
Function composition challenge 2
Ferry Problem
Hyperbola Definition
Binary Abacus
Soda Cantastrophy
Newton Raphson 3 iterations
Function composition challenge 5
Crazy Clock
Proposition 1
Function Product Challenge 1
Golden Ratio
Double Transforming Pentagons
Least Squares Regression
Morph a circle into a square
Derivative Calculator
Simpson Line and 9 point Circle
Abacus Clock
October Problem
Point on a Parametric Curve
Parabolic Solar Cooker
Two Pendulums
Example: Graphical Calculus Practice
Circle isotomic
Bhaskara’s Proof
Cosine Rule
Serum Cortisol Concentration (mmol/L)
Ellipse Incenter Locus
Bezier curvature
Example: Altitude of a Triangle
Parabola Subnormal
Ball Throw Modeled with Geometry Expressions
Caustic Cusps
I beam
Circle isotomic and Conchoid
Ellipse Directrix
Residual Basics
Maximum Area Configuration of a Four Bar Linkage
Example: Draggable Point on a Locus
Euclid Book 1 Proposition 36
Door Which Opens Both Ways
Least Squares
Cycloid is the Brachistochrone
Conic through 5 points
Ellipse Reflection
Proposition 2
Miller_Applet 3
Tangential Circles
Combining Like Terms I
Scotch Yoke with Parameters
Paucellier's linkage
Decline of Lions
Parabola and catenary
Circumcircle Construction
Pattern drawing toy
Maximum Perimeter Triangle
Area of a Trapezoid
Morphing Clock
Curve Area
Area Under Sine (draggable)
function product challenge 2
Polar Proportional Point and Circle Puzzler
Alternate Hyperbola Construction
Parametric Design
Offcentered Circular cam with a flat face reciprocating follower
Nicomedes Construction for Cube Root
Mass on a cycloid curve
Circle Proof
Golden Spiral Approximation
Death Star vs. Endor
Euclid Book 6 Proposition 8
Rotating Cube
Trammel foci
Regiomontanus Problem
Maximum Sum of Squares
circle intersections
Ellipse Parametrization
Example: Area of a Triangle
Residual Plots II
Wheeled Trebuchet
Archimedes Angle Theorem