Search Results for “Circles”

Hendecagon Diagonals, Circles and Tangents
Before even attempting to understand this app, take a look at the heptagon and nonagon versions. It’s the same situation here, circles centered at intersection points of diagonals within the hendecagon. Drag the green points to resize the circles. Resize the circles so that they are tangent to at least 4 diagonals at the same time (this case is possible in at least two positions for each circle). How many instances can you find on this one? Notice a trend with this and the other versions? Now that you've got this one, check out the final installment, the tridecagon version.
Circles, Tangents, and Heptagon Diagonals
Two circles are centered at intersection points of diagonals of a regular hepatgon. It turns out that circles centered at intersection points in regular polygons (particularly interestingly with polygons of odd numbers of sides) can be tangent to many other diagonals of that polygon. Try resizing the circles by dragging the green points. How many diagonals can each circle be tangent to? Ready for more? Check out the nonagon version!
Tridecagon Diagonals, Circles and Tangents
You'll want to start out with the heptagon and work your way up. This one's the same as all the others, just with a 13-sided regular polygon. Observe the tangencies to diagonals of circles centered at intersections of diagonals, when the circles are resized (by dragging). This is a smaller version that works well on most monitors (zoom in with two-finger touch). Bigger version here.
Circles, Tangents and Nonagon Diagonals
You may want to see the heptagon version before attempting this one Every diagonal within a regular nonagon is drawn. Circles are centered at each intersection of diagonals along a vertical axis (these same constructions can be made nine times around the nonagon). Each circle can be tangent to at least 4 diagonals when the circle is at least 2 different sizes. Unnecessary diagonals have been hidden. Drag the green points to resize the circles. Can you find all 13 positions where a circle is tangent to at least 4 diagonals? Hint: sometimes the circle is not entirely contained within the nonagon. Ready for more? Check out the hendecagon version!
Geometric Top View Model of the Twisted Savonius Wind Turbine (Interactive)
This app models the top view of the Twisted Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). The various inputs and draggable points allow you to see how the model can trace the blades' surfaces. You can also control the twist angle, radius, and rotation - which makes the whole thing spin! Learn more about the Twisted Savonius Modeling Project here.
Point Trilateration
Use any three points and their distances from a fourth point to locate the fourth point.
Two Circle Trace
This trace follows the position of one circle as it moves along the path of the edge of another.
Circle Proof
This is the first app ever on Euclid’s Muse! It provides a draggable diagram to help illustrate a mathematical proof. This proof was discovered when modeling the Twisted Savonius style wind turbine from a top view. The full proof can be found here.