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Search Results for “proportional-points”

By Nick Halsey
Epic Circle Trace
A line passes intersects a circle at two points. Each point is located proportionally around the circle in terms of a given function of t. The path of the line’s movement is traced as t varies. Try changing/animating t. Can you figure out how each point is constrained, in terms of t? Look at the gx source file for the answer. Hint: look at the period of the movement, and how it changes as t changes.

Tags: Trace, puzzler, circle, proportional-points, functions

By Nick Halsey
Simple Similar Triangles
Drag points A, B, and C to change the size and shape of the blue triangle, and its white counterpart that is similar (constrained by proportional SAS). Drag the Red point D to change the ratio in sizes. Observe the multitude of calculated output lengths and angles, and how they match the proportion value, proving similarity, regardless of the triangles' shapes/sizes.

Tags: Triangles, Similar, Ratios, Draggable, Outputs,

By Nick Halsey
Rotating Ellipses with Arcs
Now that you know how two ellipses can rotate such that they are tangent to each other and a third larger ellipse (see this app); the next challenge is to figure out how an arc placed on each ellipse can be constrained (with proportional points along the ellipses) such that each arc always covers half of the ellipse and one endpoint is on the tangent point of the two smaller ellipses.

Tags: Ellipses, conics, puzzler, arcs

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