Euclid's Muse

your source for INTERACTIVE math apps

Collections Tagged ‘common core’

By Larry Ottman
Common Core Nuggets: Statistics
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement the Common Core Statistics Standard S-ID 6a, b, c for High School Mathematics.

Tags: Least squares resgression, residuals, line, fit, function, Algebra, Statistics, Common Core

By Larry Ottman
Common Core Nuggets: Quadratic Zeros
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Algebra Standard A-SSE 3a for High School Mathematics.

Tags: Quadratic, Function, zeros, roots, x-intercepts, Common Core, Algebra

By Larry Ottman
Common Core Nuggets: Building Functions
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Functions Standard F-BF 3 for High School Mathematics.

Tags: Function, transformations, translations, dilations, Common Core, Algebra

By Larry Ottman
Common Core Nuggets: Conics
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Geometry Standard G-GPE 1, 3 for High School Mathematics.

Tags: geometry, common core, conic sections, circle, ellipse, hyperbola

By Larry Ottman
Common Core Nuggets: Trigonometric Functions
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Function Standard F-TF 2, 3, 5 for High School Mathematics. Apps with an * indicate that they address the modeling standard.

Tags: Functions, Common Core, Trigonometry, Sine, Cosine, Tangent

By Irina Lyublinskaya
Common Core Nuggets: Area Formulas 6.G.1
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Standard 6.G.1 for 6th grade mathematics.

Tags: CCSS, common core, area, parallelogram, triangle, trapezoid, middle school mathematics

By Irina Lyublinskaya
Common Core Nuggets: Pythagorean Theorem 8.G.6
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Standard 8.G.6 for 8th grade mathematics.

Tags: CCSS, common core, Pythagorean Theorem, right triangle, proof, middle grades mathematics, area, ratio

By Irina Lyublinskaya
Common Core Nuggets: Equivalent Expressions 7.EE.1
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Standard 7.EE.1 for 7th grade mathematics.

Tags: CCSS, common core, middle grades mathematics, equivalent expressions, distributive property, associative property, commutative property, like terms

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