Euclid's Muse

your source for INTERACTIVE math apps

Collections Tagged ‘triangle’

By Irina Lyublinskaya
Common Core Nuggets: Area Formulas 6.G.1
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Standard 6.G.1 for 6th grade mathematics.

Tags: CCSS, common core, area, parallelogram, triangle, trapezoid, middle school mathematics

By Irina Lyublinskaya
Common Core Nuggets: Pythagorean Theorem 8.G.6
This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Standard 8.G.6 for 8th grade mathematics.

Tags: CCSS, common core, Pythagorean Theorem, right triangle, proof, middle grades mathematics, area, ratio

By Phil Todd
Triangle round or inside curves
Machines which find extremal triangles related to a given curve

Tags: maximum, minimum, triangle, curve

By Phil Todd
Finding the Fermat Point by Physics and by Transformation
These apps accompany the presentation Finding the Fermat Point by Physics and by Transformation in the More Favorite Geometry Proofs session at MathFest 2014

Tags: Fermat, triangle, Toricelli, minimum

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